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P.E. is a vital part of all children's education.  At Elm Park, we promote an active lifestyle through 2 hours of P.E. lessons per week.  Throughout the year, children will learn a variety of skills through REAL P.E. lessons.  Below you will find information  about which days your child will have PE lessons during Term 6. We ask that children wear their PE kit to school on these days.  PE kit consists of a plain t-shirt of their house colour, black tracksuit bottoms or shorts, the normal Elm Park sweatshirt or PE hoodie and trainers.

Acorns (Rec) – Monday and Thursday

Beech (Year 1 )  – Thursday and Friday

Willow (Year 2/3) – Thursday and Friday

Chestnut (Year 3/4 – Monday and Friday

Oak (Year 4)  –  Monday and Friday

Hazel (Year 5)  –  Monday and Wednesday

Elm (Year 6)  –  Monday and Tuesday

A reminder that earrings should be taken out for PE unless they are very new.  In this case, tape will need to be provided so they can be covered.